Set Up Foto Produk

Set Up Foto Produk

Trayen Mulai Menekuni Foto Produk

Selasa, 11 Jul 2023 15:27 WIB

Selain bermusik, Trayen memiliki sebarak kesibukan. Salah satunya adalah memperdalam teknik foto produk. Bagi pelantun single “Bolehkah Aku Mencintaimu” itu, tidak selamanya bisa menggantungkan nasib di musik.

Karena itulah, pemilik nama lengkap Trayen Kaligis itu ingin mengembangkan skill dan talentanya di bidang lain, seperti fotografi, misalnya.

“Aku belajar fotografi, gimana cara membuat foto produk yang memikat,” ungkapnya, belum lama ini.

Menurut penyanyi yang hobi bermain motor gede itu, pembeli pada beranggapan foto produk memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian.

Hal ini sangatlah wajar karena hanya dari foto tersebutlah konsumen bisa memberikan penilaian terhadap sebuah produk yang dijual secara online.

“Foto produk yang bagus bisa memikat konsumen,” ujarnya.

Ini adalah manfaat yang paling utama dan penting bagi konsumen. Secara natural, manusia adalah makhluk visual yang bisa lebih cepat memproses informasi melalui konten visual seperti foto atau video.

“Biasanya, setelah menilainya secara visual, mereka baru melihat informasi lainnya berupa spesifikasi produk dan harganya,” jelas pelantun single “Kesan Pertama” bersama boyband NeXGen itu. [KimSadewa]

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Route production traffic automatically

By default, all client requests to the app's production URL ( are routed to the production slot. You can route a portion of the traffic to another slot. This feature is useful if you need user feedback for a new update, but you're not ready to release it to production.

To route production traffic automatically:

Go to your app's resource page and select Deployment slots.

In the Traffic % column of the slot you want to route to, specify a percentage (between 0 and 100) to represent the amount of total traffic you want to route. Select Save.

After the setting is saved, the specified percentage of clients is randomly routed to the nonproduction slot.

To add a routing rule on a slot and transfer 15% of production traffic it, run the following command:

For more information, see az webapp traffic-routing set.

To add a routing rule on a slot and transfer 15% of production traffic it, run the following command:

For more information, see Add-AzWebAppTrafficRouting. To update an existing rule, use Update-AzWebAppTrafficRouting.

After a client is automatically routed to a specific slot, it's "pinned" to that slot for one hour or until the cookies are deleted. On the client browser, you can see which slot your session is pinned to by looking at the x-ms-routing-name cookie in your HTTP headers. A request that's routed to the "staging" slot has the cookie x-ms-routing-name=staging. A request that's routed to the production slot has the cookie x-ms-routing-name=self.

Swap with preview (multi-phase swap)

Before you swap into production as the target slot, validate that the app runs with the swapped settings. The source slot is also warmed up before the swap completion, which is desirable for mission-critical applications.

When you perform a swap with preview, App Service performs the same swap operation but pauses after the first step. You can then verify the result on the staging slot before completing the swap.

If you cancel the swap, App Service reapplies configuration elements to the source slot.

Swap with preview can't be used when one of the slots has site authentication enabled.

To swap with preview:

Follow the steps in Swap deployment slots but select Perform swap with preview.

The dialog box shows you how the configuration in the source slot changes in phase 1, and how the source and target slot change in phase 2.

When you're ready to start the swap, select Start Swap.

When phase 1 finishes, you're notified in the dialog box. Preview the swap in the source slot by going to

When you're ready to complete the pending swap, select Complete Swap in Swap action and select Complete Swap.

To cancel a pending swap, select Cancel Swap instead, and then select Cancel Swap at the bottom.

When you're finished, close the dialog box by selecting Close.

To swap a slot into production with preview, run the following command in a terminal:

To complete the swap:

For more information, see az webapp deployment slot swap.

To swap a slot into production with preview, run the following cmdlet in a PowerShell terminal:

To complete the swap:

For more information, see Switch-AzWebAppSlot.

If you have any problems, see Troubleshoot swaps.

If any errors occur in the target slot (for example, the production slot) after a slot swap, restore the slots to their pre-swap states by swapping the same two slots immediately.

Auto swap isn't supported in web apps on Linux and Web App for Containers.

Auto swap streamlines Azure DevOps scenarios where you want to deploy your app continuously with zero cold starts and zero downtime for customers of the app. When auto swap is enabled from a slot into production, every time you push your code changes to that slot, App Service automatically swaps the app into production after it's warmed up in the source slot.

Before you configure auto swap for the production slot, consider testing auto swap on a nonproduction target slot.

To configure auto swap:

Go to your app's resource page. Select Deployment slots > > Configuration > General settings.

For Auto swap enabled, select On. Then select the desired target slot for Auto swap deployment slot, and select Save on the command bar.

Execute a code push to the source slot. Auto swap happens after a short time, and the update is reflected at your target slot's URL.

To configure auto swap into the production slot, run the following command in a terminal:

To disable auto swap:

For more information, see az webapp deployment slot auto-swap.

For more information, see Set-AzWebAppSlot.

If you have any problems, see Troubleshoot swaps.

Create a QQ application

To enable sign-in for users with a QQ account in Azure Active Directory B2C (Azure AD B2C), you need to create an application in QQ developer portal. If you don't already have a QQ account, you can sign up at

Set up staging environments in Azure App Service

Starting June 1, 2024, all newly created App Service apps will have the option to generate a unique default hostname using the naming convention Existing app names will remain unchanged.


For further details, refer to Unique Default Hostname for App Service Resource.

When you deploy your web app, web app on Linux, mobile back end, or API app to Azure App Service, you can use a separate deployment slot instead of the default production slot when you're running in the Standard, Premium, or Isolated App Service plan tier. Deployment slots are live apps with their own host names. App content and configurations elements can be swapped between two deployment slots, including the production slot.

Deploying your application to a nonproduction slot has the following benefits:

Each App Service plan tier supports a different number of deployment slots. There's no extra charge for using deployment slots. To find out the number of slots your app's tier supports, see App Service limits.

To scale your app to a different tier, make sure that the target tier supports the number of slots your app already uses. For example, if your app has more than five slots, you can't scale it down to the Standard tier, because the Standard tier supports only five deployment slots.

This video shows you how to set up staging environments in Azure App Service.

The steps in the video are also described in the following sections.

For information on the permissions you need to perform the slot operation you want, see Resource provider operations (search for slot, for example).

The app must be running in the Standard, Premium, or Isolated tier in order for you to enable multiple deployment slots.

In the Azure portal, navigate to your app's management page.

In the left pane, select Deployment slots > Add Slot.

If the app isn't already in the Standard, Premium, or Isolated tier, select Upgrade and go to the Scale tab of your app before continuing.

In the Add a slot dialog box, give the slot a name, and select whether to clone an app configuration from another deployment slot. Select Add to continue.

You can clone a configuration from any existing slot. Settings that can be cloned include app settings, connection strings, language framework versions, web sockets, HTTP version, and platform bitness.

Currently, a private endpoint isn't cloned across slots.

After the slot is added, select Close to close the dialog box. The new slot is now shown on the Deployment slots page. By default, Traffic % is set to 0 for the new slot, with all customer traffic routed to the production slot.

Select the new deployment slot to open that slot's resource page.

The staging slot has a management page just like any other App Service app. You can change the slot's configuration. To remind you that you're viewing the deployment slot, the app name is shown as /, and the app type is App Service (Slot). You can also see the slot as a separate app in your resource group, with the same designations.

Select the app URL on the slot's resource page. The deployment slot has its own host name and is also a live app. To limit public access to the deployment slot, see Azure App Service IP restrictions.

Run the following command in a terminal:

For more information, see az webapp deployment slot create.

Run the following cmdlet in a PowerShell terminal:

For more information, see New-AzWebAppSlot.

The new deployment slot has no content, even if you clone the settings from a different slot. For example, you can publish to this slot with Git. You can deploy to the slot from a different repository branch or a different repository. Get publish profile from Azure App Service can provide required information to deploy to the slot. The profile can be imported by Visual Studio to deploy contents to the slot.

The slot's URL has the format To keep the URL length within necessary DNS limits, the site name will be truncated at 40 characters, and the combined site name and slot name must be fewer than 59 characters.

How to Verify a Dafabet Account?

After completing the sign up process, you must verify your Dafabet Kenya account. This is done by submitting your KYC (Know Your Customer) to the sports betting site.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to verify your Dafabet account:

Note: Proof of address document is only considered valid if it is not older than three months. Once you have submitted your details, Dafabet Kenya will review your account and send you an email confirming whether your account has been verified or if any additional information is required.

It typically takes a few hours (sometimes days) to complete the verification process.

Add the identity provider to a user journey

Now that you have a user journey, add the new identity provider to the user journey. You first add a sign-in button, then link the button to an action. The action is the technical profile you created earlier.

Find the orchestration step element that includes Type="CombinedSignInAndSignUp", or Type="ClaimsProviderSelection" in the user journey. It's usually the first orchestration step. The ClaimsProviderSelections element contains a list of identity providers that a user can sign in with. The order of the elements controls the order of the sign-in buttons presented to the user. Add a ClaimsProviderSelection XML element. Set the value of TargetClaimsExchangeId to a friendly name.

In the next orchestration step, add a ClaimsExchange element. Set the Id to the value of the target claims exchange Id. Update the value of TechnicalProfileReferenceId to the Id of the technical profile you created earlier.

The following XML demonstrates the first two orchestration steps of a user journey with the identity provider:

Set up sign-up and sign-in with a QQ account using Azure Active Directory B2C

Before you begin, use the Choose a policy type selector at the top of this page to choose the type of policy you’re setting up. Azure Active Directory B2C offers two methods to define how users interact with your applications: through predefined user flows or through fully configurable custom policies. The steps required in this article are different for each method.

This feature is in public preview.

Automate with Resource Manager templates

Azure Resource Manager templates are declarative JSON files used to automate the deployment and configuration of Azure resources. To swap slots by using Resource Manager templates, you set two properties on the Microsoft.Web/sites/slots and Microsoft.Web/sites resources:

Register for the QQ developer program